Superhero Preschoolers Graduate to Kindergarten!

Clarksville Elementary preschoolers in Mrs. Julie’s class are soaring into Kindergarten after Preschool Graduation on Thursday, May 25! Our preschool superheroes sang special songs and were presented with a diploma from Mrs. Julie in front of a full house of parents...

Scale Factors, Proportions and Candy Bars!

There are only four days left of school, but the learning hasn’t stopped at Clarksville Community Schools! Students in Mrs. Elble’s seventh grade math classes at Clarksville Middle School have been working on increasing the size of a candy logo of their choosing by...

A Bug’s Life in Mrs. Biggs’ Class!

Mrs. Biggs’ first grade class ended their month long unit on bugs by creating their own insect this week! Students learned a song about the insect body parts and how they help our world. They studied bees, lady bugs, fireflies, ants and butterflies! With all of their...