CCSC Winter Concert, Thursday, Dec. 8

Mark your Calendars! Clarksville High School’s Bands and Choir and Clarksville Middle School’s Bands are holding their Winter Concert on Thursday, Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. with a special Jazz combo performance beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the brand new, renovated Collins...

December Attendance Challenge at CMS; Dec. 1-16

December 2016 CMS Attendance Challenge! CMS is shooting for 100% Student & Staff Attendance in the month of December! Any student with 100% Attendance from Dec. 1 through Dec.16 will be entered into a drawing to win one of ten prizes! Prizes include: a bicycle,...

Thanksgiving Festivities around CCSC!

Students at Clarksville Elementary School and Clarksville Middle School celebrated the last day before Thanksgiving Break with some really fun and creative learning activities. Fifth grade students made corn bread and stone soup by using recipes and calculating...