Bettye Davis Craig joins Clarksville School Board

Bettye Davis Craig is no stranger to Clarksville Community Schools. She’s been to countless events as a student, community member, parent, and grandparent. Now, she’ll join the school community with one more title: school board member. Craig joined the school board...

Prosser Career Education Center Hosts Open Houses

Students who attend Clarksville High School and Renaissance Academy are able to enroll in Prosser Career Education Center to complement their Clarksville Schools education and prepare themselves for whatever path they hope to pursue after their high school graduation....

Tsion Wolka WorkOne Internship

Though Renaissance Academy Senior Tsion Wolka has had a job before, she hasn’t had much experience in a professional setting – until now.  Tsion, who is in her second year in the Jobs for Americas Graduates (JAG) program at Clarksville High School, completed a...

5th Graders Learn From Video Game Pro

After learning about how video games are created this week, 5th graders at Clarksville Middle School had the opportunity to take their learning to the next level and speak with a working video game designer from Red Storm Entertainment, a division of Ubisoft, a video...