Clarksville Elementary School and the CES PTO held its second annual Walk-A-Thon on Friday, Sept. 30 to raise funds to provide for future family events at CES as well as to purchase supplies and materials to support our students!

All CES students took part in the walk-a-thon by walking the surrounding neighborhood streets with help/support from the Clarksville Police and Fire Departments.  For the last few weeks, students have been raising money for the walk-a-thon and getting pledges from community and family members!

CES far surpassed their goal of $2,500! Way to go, CES! Because of this accomplishment, Mrs. Dablow, principal, and other staff members had to KISS a pig at a special assembly on Friday afternoon!

Despite the spitting of rain, It was another successful walk-a-thon!Cvillepolice IMG_7025 IMG_7047 IMG_7137