CHS Counseling News and Announcements

Remind–is a safe way for schools to text message students and keep in touch with parents.

Open Houses

Open House days at Indiana colleges, universities, and other secondary education providers:

Click the IMAGE to register for the IUS Open House:  Saturday, October 19, 2019 from 10 AM – 1 PM @ IUS.


College Fairs

Local College Fair information:

Southern Indiana Regional College Fair:  Monday, September 16, 2019 from 6:30-8:00 PM @ New Albany High School.

Click the IMAGE to register for the Louisville National College Fair:  Sunday, Sept 29, 2019 from 1-4 PM @ KY International Convention Center.


Need an app to keep track of passwords?  SecureSafe.  Prefer to use a website?  LastPass

Want to keep track of all of your HS activities?  See the Guidance Office or click here for an Activities Worksheet.

Clarksville Rotary Club Speech Contest

Interested in participating in a speech contest?  Topic must be leadership, service, and the Four-Way Test which is the Rotary Club’s code of ethics.  Monetary prizes.  See the Guidance Office in the fall.  Deadline to participate is December 15.  Contest is the end of January/beginning of February each year.

Looking for Information?

For information regarding scholarships, college and military visits, open houses, etc. follow the correct links or see the Guidance Office.

The Guidance Office periodically sends out mass emails to grade appropriate groups. Please make sure your email and contact information is updated in Infinite Campus, as needed.  Thanks!


Indiana College and Career Readiness Survey (January 11, 2019-June 15, 2019)

Please use the following codes to complete the survey:





The Indiana College and Career Readiness Survey consists of four data sets.  The first data set address 1) students postsecondary plans, 2) student engagement, and 3) the degree to which students make sound choices in areas that impact college access and success. This data set appears on all surveys.  The other three data sets  are designed to help schools design sound school counseling programs that address student needs. These data sets address students’ guidance needs, student assistance needs, and students’ perceptions of the school counselors.