Small School Community.
Big Opportunities.
Clarksville Cares
Clarksville Cares
Clarksville Cares is a program of Clarksville Community Schools. This program provides support for CCSC students in grades K-12. Clarksville Cares’ mission is to serve and care for all needs of CCSC students, specifically those who would otherwise with go without. 100% of donations are used to support Clarksville students.
Some of the ways Clarksville Cares has made a difference:
- Providing food for students/families over school breaks
- Providing coats, shoes, gloves, hats and other clothing
- Supplying students with personal hygiene items
- Furnishing school supplies
- Providing students with gifts at Christmas
Facts about Clarksville Cares
- Founded during the 2013-2014 school year.
- The Clarksville Cares service center is headquartered at Renaissance Academy.
- The service center contains clothing, personal hygiene items, school supplies and food that is available to any CCSC student in need.
- Clarksville Cares distributes food bags for students who may otherwise go hungry over fall break, winter break and spring break. These bags are typically assembled by CHS students.
- Each summer, CCSC partners with One Vision FCU to hold a “Pack the Bus” event to collect school supplies for Clarksville Cares.
- In December, Clarksville Cares provides holiday gifts for a select number of students who are chosen by school staff, based on need. CCSC staff members volunteer to do the shopping and distribution.
- Clarksville Cares is fortunate to partner with many groups, organizations and individuals who share the desire to pay forward their blessings by giving back to our children and our community.
- CCSC staff also pitch in with payroll deductions and personal donations.
Cash & check donations can be dropped off at Clarksville High School. Checks should be made out to Clarksville Cares.
Clothing and Food donations to be used for all CCSC schools can be dropped off at Clarksville High School.
CLICK HERE for a list of preferred donated food items.
To donate to Clarksville Cares via PayPal, click on the button below!
To refer a student in need, fill out the form here → .
We greatly appreciate your support of our Clarksville Cares Campaign!

Clarksville Community School Corporation
Administrative Offices • 502 Little League Boulevard • Clarksville, IN 47129
Phone: (812)-282-7753 • Fax: (812)-282-7754 • Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
© 2015 Clarksville Community School Corporation. All rights Reserved.