Clarksville High School opened its doors for the first time in 1955 and ever since the school’s highly dedicated staff has worked to prepare its students for what comes after graduation, be it college, trade school, a military career, or the workforce.
In 2021, Clarksville High School and Renaissance Academy joined forces, bringing together the best of the two learning models to all students grades 9 through 12. Students, rather than choosing between a model, move between buildings to take their core, elective, and pathway courses throughout the day. Project-based learning is utilized in core and elective classes to teach students soft skills alongside academics.
Students may also take dual credit courses through Ivy Tech Sellersburg or Indiana University. This allows them the opportunity to earn college credits before they graduate high school. We offer tracks that allow students to graduate from high school with one or even two years of college completed that are transferable to any in-state public college. Tuition is completely free for our students! As students approach their junior year, they may also apply for programs at Prosser Career Education Center that can lead to employment upon graduation. These different options allow them the ability to create a multi-faceted education that is unique to them.
With the power of the two models combined, Clarksville High School is able to provide similar opportunities of any large school paired with the personal touch only a small school can provide.
Students are heavily encouraged to take advantage of our numerous extracurricular and co-curricular activities, including our athletics, fine arts programs, and many clubs!
Phone: 812-282-8231
Fax: 812-282-8234
School Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Principal’s Message
Dr. Adrienne Goldman
Welcome to Clarksville High School, Home of the Generals! I am excited to be entering my ninth year as principal of Clarksville High School and my 25th year as an educator. I can say without a doubt that my favorite thing about Clarksville High School is our small community environment! This allows us to get to know all of our students personally and support them as they achieve their goals. While we are a small school community, we have made it a priority to offer BIG opportunities to our Generals through a variety of academic and extracurricular options. We strive to provide our Generals with many of the same opportunities they would find at other area schools AND offer the personal connection with peers and school staff to make it feel like they are home. Our high school team is committed to providing every student with a safe, caring, and positive environment that encourages each student to realize and desire to reach their full potential – academically and as a member of our community. We believe this is critical to students graduating on time and becoming prepared and confident members of our community.
Important links to databases and online catalogs.
“It’s like a family for my children. They’ve loved every teacher they’ve had or that’s there and they’re excited to be there. I would describe Clarksville schools as a family. That’s really the only way to describe it.”
Ashley Gilmore
Mother of two CES students
Christina Ramirez
Mother of current students & graduates
“We have struggled with helping [Charlie] learn how he learns differently and what works best for him and all of the research and doctor visits and therapy all recommended a place that allowed him a place that allowed him to think outside the box. When he came to the open house at Renaissance Academy he said they speak my language here. This feels like home.”
Joni Pearson
Mother of current RA student
800 Dr. Dot Lewis Dr.
Clarksville, IN 47129

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Clarksville Community School Corporation
Administrative Offices • 502 Little League Boulevard • Clarksville, IN 47129
Phone: (812)-282-7753 • Fax: (812)-282-7754 • Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
© 2015 Clarksville Community School Corporation. All rights Reserved.