Clarksville Schools to offer FREE meals to ALL students

Clarksville Community Schools will be offering FREE breakfasts and lunches to ALL students, regardless of income, starting this school year. This program will be at all of CCSC schools: Clarksville Elementary, Clarksville Middle, Clarksville High, and Renaissance Academy.

Clarksville Community Schools has been chosen to participate in the federal Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program, which provides federal reimbursement for the majority of the costs associated with offering free meals. The rest of the costs are expected to be paid for out of A La Carte (extras such as baked chips or extra entrees) purchases, which will still be for sale.

“We are excited to be able to offer this program to all our students,” said Superintendent Tina Bennett. “Now all students will be able to eat a free breakfast and lunch every day. When students aren’t worried about being hungry, they can focus in the classroom.”

Every student will be notified of these changes via mail. Families needing assistance with textbook fees will still need to apply for those via paper application.