
Registration for grades K-8 for the Clarksville Little Generals girls’ basketball league will be held in the Clarksville High School cafeteria on Tues., Jan. 19th, from 5 to 7:00 p.m. Registration forms and entry fees can also be turned in to the main office at Clarksville Elementary School, Clarksville Middle School, and/or High School.   In order to assign teams and order shirts, please be present for sign-ups or have forms submitted by the 19th.

The games will be played on Saturday mornings (Jan. 30th  thru Feb. 27th) at Clarksville High School and/or the Elementary School from 9AM until 12 PM (subject to change based on total participants).

The teams will be paired up and compete at the following age levels:

K, 1st and 2nd grades (biddy ball ~ will play on lower goals)

3rd and 4th grades

5th and 6th grades

7th and 8th grades

The cost to participate is $30. This includes a tee shirt and five games. You may pay with cash, money order or checks made payable to Clarksville Lady’s Little Generals.

The high school coaching staff and basketball players will coach the teams.    Remember, this is about the PLAYERS, not the PARENTS.   Come out, support your children, and help make the league a success.  The people who are coaching and running the league are not paid for this; they do it because of the children and the love of the game.

There will be a $1 admission fee for every game to help fund the league.  If you know of anyone who would like to sponsor a team please have them contact me as soon as possible.

CLICK HERE for the Little Generals Enrollment Form

BD Ledbetter, III

Clarksville High School Girls Head Coach