
Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members:

We were deeply saddened to hear the news of the school shooting that occurred Wednesday, February 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Our thoughts and deepest sympathy are with the families affected and all members of that community.

We want to ensure you that the safety of our students and staff is our top priority at Clarksville Community Schools. We take seriously our responsibility to ensure the safety of your child every day.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind all of our families that we have a plan in place at each of our schools to handle emergency situations and continuously work to evaluate such plans to ensure they are relevant and up to date. We are fortunate to work with the Clarksville Police and Fire departments to prepare for all types of emergencies that may occur, including having a School Resource Officer on campus at all times. As a county, we continuously evaluate our safety plan through quarterly meetings of school administrators and first responders with the Clark County Safety Coalition.

As school administrators, we are troubled by events like what occurred in Florida. However, senseless tragedies such as this provide us with the opportunity to be leaders as we help our children to understand, also reminding them that, as the adults in their lives, we do everything we can to keep them safe. As always, we urge anyone to report any type of concerning social media messages, behavior, etc. to your child’s school immediately.

Thank you for your continued support of Clarksville Community Schools.

Tina Bennett
Clarksville Community Schools