As of January 3, 2017, all CCSC schools will be using Infinite Campus to manage attendance, grades, schedules, assessments and other student information. Infinite Campus will be replacing Harmony as the CCSC official student management system.

Please note: report cards for this semester will still be available in Harmony until Jan. 13.

Access Information and how to log in to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal will be sent to parents/guardians over Winter Break via the email information we have on file.

You will have access to the Campus Portal which is a confidential and secure website that allows parents/guardians to log in and view their child’s progress in school.  There is also an app available for both iOS and Android devices. The goal of the Campus Portal is to create a better partnership between parents and teachers.

Logging into the Campus Portal will allow you to view the following real-time information about your child including:

·         Demographics ·         Grades ·         Reports
·         Schedules ·         Attendance ·  District and School Notices
·         Assignments ·         Graduation Progress ·  Transportation Information
·         Assessment Scores ·         Academic Planner ·         Cafeteria Balance
·         Calendar ·         To Do Lists
