Community Action of Southern Indiana, in partnership with CCSC, hosted a celebration Kick-Off to introduce our fourth, eighth and twelfth grade students to the Life Literacy Academy program on Thursday, Sept. 28!

Life Literacy Academy was piloted at Clarksville Middle School during the 16-17 school year, and it is a cohort of students selected by a panel of teachers to participate in building on the 40 developmental character traits, such as respect, integrity, honesty, etc. which colleges and future employers look for in a young person.

CASI Program Facilitator Curt Wells meets with 25 eighth graders once a week for an hour to work on developing character traits, team building activities and goal setting!

The success of the program has prompted CASI to expand the program to our students who are in transitioning stages! Students were introduced to the program with an hour of music, inflatable fun and snacks! Special thanks to Curt Wells, CASI and Principal Nikki Bullington for their hard work and investment in our students!



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