
The Clarksville Boys Basketball Program would like to invite your child to participate in this season’s Little Generals Youth Basketball League.  The league is open to children in grades K-6.  The focus of this league is to teach skills and rules, promote sportsmanship, and provide a healthy activity to our future Generals.

Cost:                $45 per participant

Where:             Practices will be held at Clarksville High School.  Games will be held at Clarksville Middle                           School.

When:             Player evaluations will be conducted on Saturday November 12th from

                        9-10 a.m. at Clarksville  High School.

 Practices dates are: November 17th, 30th, and December 8th.
 Cookies with Santa will be held on December 15th.
More information to follow.

 Games will be played on the following Saturdays:

November 26th and December 3rd, 10th, and 17th.   Game times will be from 9 a.m. through 12 p.m.  A game schedule will be handed out once teams have been formed.        

Please return your completed registration form in to the office at your child’s school.  The deadline for registration is November 12th.

If you have any questions, please contact Brian McEwen at (812) 987-4781.

CLICK HERE to view/fill out a registration form!