New Student Enrollment

Resident Enrollment Process

Parents living inside the district wishing to enroll their student at Clarksville High School will first need to follow the enrollment link on the CCSC website.  Once complete, call the counseling office at 282-8231 to make an appointment with the counselor.

You will need to bring:
1.) Proof of residence within the school district – Utility bill if you own or lease if you rent.
2.) Birth certificate of the student.
3.) Report card/transcript from prior school.
4.) Custody paperwork if parents are separated.

Non-Resident Transfer Enrollment

Parents living outside the district wishing to enroll their student at Clarksville High School will need to complete and submit aNon-Resident Transfer Request, along with the student’s transcript, attendance, and discipline records to the principal for approval.    After the application has been reviewed, the school will contact you for enrollment instructions (see resident enrollment process above).