Clarksville Community Schools
On My Way Pre-K
Clarksville Community School Corporation (CCSC) is now accepting student registration/enrollment for pre-school students. The deadline for a completed application is Friday, May 3, 2024. Full day pre-school will be FREE for those who qualify.
- Applications open statewide for On My Way Pre-K on April 1, 2024. Funding and seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis. ALL Pre-K applicants must apply for On My Way Pre-K, even if you do not believe your family will qualify for the grant.
- If you have questions about eligibility or the application for On My Way Pre-K, please contact Kendra Needham at
Helpful Information
- On My Way Pre-K provides grants for 4-year-olds from lower-income families, so they may have access to high-quality pre-k programs the year before they begin kindergarten. All families qualifying for On My Way Pre-K will be able to attend Clarksville Schools’ full-day Pre-K program for free.
- Students who do not qualify for On My Way Pre-K may still attend our full-day preschool program at a cost of $150/week. This fee must be paid the first day of the week each week to maintain your child’s spot in the program. Failure to maintain full payment will result in losing the spot.
- Children must turn 4 years old by Aug. 1 to be eligible for the preschool program. Three-year-olds with special needs will also be accepted into the program.
- Out-of-district students may apply, but first preference is given to those students who live within CCSC boundaries. Students who do not receive a slot in our program will be placed on a waiting list.
- Pre-K hours will be 8:20 a.m. to 2:20 p.m.
- For questions related to school hours or programming, please contact Clarksville Elementary at (812)282-1447.
On My Way Pre-K
Contact Information
Kendra Needham
Clarksville Elementary
(812) 282-1447
Programs and Objectives
Programs and objectives commonly part of a preschooler’s school day include:
Attending school regularly enables your child to become familiar with teachers and classmates as well as the day-to-day routines. If your child seems to be having a difficult time getting ready for school or getting on the bus, plase discuss this with the teacher. Some separation anxiety at this age is not at all uncommon. The children are most often fine after arriving at school and becoming involved in familiar and fun activities.
Once a student has accumulated five absences, all future absences must be documented with a physician statement. Failure to provide this documentation may result in removal from the program due to excessive absenteeism and we will chose a child from the waiting list to fulfill the spot. Your money will not be reimbursed.
Frequent, unnecessary tardiness disrupts a child’s learning and interrupts the learning process of the class as well. Please note that if your child is tardy to school, no lunch or breakfast will be served.
Inclement Weather
The preschool program is a part of the public school system and will close only when Clarksville Community Schools are not in session. Please note that public schools only close in extreme weather. It is your responsibility to consider your child’s best interests and safety in determining whether to send them to preschool when weather presents potentially dangerous driving conditions. Announcements of school closings are made on local radio and television stations or you may sign-up for text alerts by visiting “this” site. If the weather forces a two-hour opening delay, morning preschool classes will not be held. Afternoon classes will be held as scheduled.
School Calendar
The preschool program follows the district’s school calendar, with some minor differences to allow for registration and conferences.
Medical Policy
When a student has a fever or is vomiting, please keep them at home. He or she should be episode free for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child becomes ill or appears to have a health-related problem while at school, you will be contacted by the teacher or school nurse requesting that your child be picked up as soon as possible. These precautions are for the safety of your child and their classmates.
Please notify the teacher if your child has any food or drink allergies. If your child has specific health problems that need to be monitored within the classroom setting, a health or emergency services plan may be developed and shared with all school personnel so that all are prepared in case of an emergency.

Clarksville Community School Corporation
Administrative Offices • 502 Little League Boulevard • Clarksville, IN 47129
Phone: (812)-282-7753 • Fax: (812)-282-7754 • Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
© 2015 Clarksville Community School Corporation. All rights Reserved.