If you shop at Kroger, you can support Clarksville Elementary School! Last year through Kroger Community Rewards, CES earned $1,000!  You can do your part by simply enrolling your Kroger Plus Card online at Kroger.com/communityrewards. Once you are successfully enrolled, CES will earn rewards on all eligible purchases you make using your Kroger Plus card. If you are currently enrolled, the re-enrollment period runs now until August 31.


How to ENROLL in Kroger Community Rewards

Go to www.Kroger.com

Click the blue Sign In tab at top of the page.

Enter your email address and password and click the blue Sign In tab.

From the department menu, click Community, then Community Rewards

From Community Rewards, click on the Edit or Re-enroll button.


 a.  Find Organization    (Search by keyword or nonprofit organization number –

 NPO #  Clarksville Elementary School is 48838)

  1. Select Organization (Click the button to the left of the organization)
  2. Save your Selection (Click the Save button to save your selection.)

Call 1-800-KROGERS, Option #3, with questions.